I have just arrived back from a fabulous morning at Breakfast Television where Dina Pugliese and I delved into the closet to pull out those 'saboteurs' that really prevent us from getting up and getting dressed with ease and how to fix them.
So how do you fix the closet that's not working for you? The mantras I want you to keep in mind are: Let Go, Know Thyself, and Never Settle.
LET GO! Fixing a closet that's not working usually requires quite a bit of maintenance. We tend hold on to clothes for emotional reasons, not practical ones. Let go of the following and free yourself and your wardrobe to enjoy better days together:
- Worn Out or Just Plain 'Out': These guys stick around too long under the guise of 'Tried andTrue'. Clothing should be cared for and used so long as they look crisp, fresh and as new. When fabrics begin to yellow or fade, hems fray to pieces and shoes scuff or break beyond your cobbler's magic, they should be let go. Items that are out of style well, some of these things won't and shouldn't come back. Let these go too (please).
- It's BAAAAACK!: Even if a trend comes back into fashion there will be changes to it that will render the original rather relic-looking. Even classic pieces like the perennial black pant need updating every couple of years.
- It Fit...Once/It WILL Fit: Clinging to the idea of 'size' is an exercise in pain. Keep only items that fit now, regardless of the number or letter on the tag. How will you know it fits? Because it will skim your figure, no pulling, no bagging. The best thing you'll notice about a great fit is ...YOU.
- Out of Season: Have a 'working closet' and a separate area to store out of season items. It's hard to really see what you're working with when everything is mixed in together. Storing out of season clothing allows you to focus on the items that will work for you every day, right now.
- Someone Else's Choices: You may not realize how many items you have that somehow, someone seemed to think would work for you but that you don't agree with. How do you know? Because they hang in your closet untouched. Understanding how your personal design (your colouring as well as your body type) and personal style work means dressing to your best advantage every time. If you haven't worn them in the past two seasons, it's safe to say: you won't start now.
Have you let go yet?? You can do it! As you evaluate how well your current wardrobe serves you, you will begin to understand what pleases you in your clothes, what styles you dislike and which ones you admire. Gaining an understanding of this will enable you to seek out and purchase those things that fit your goals - you will begin to know thyself!
Never Settle!
To find happiness in a new closet that functions well for your life & style, remember how you got to this new, well-edited place in your wardrobe: careful evaluation of the criteria above. Use them when you re-evaluate your closet each season or each time you shop to eliminate items that just won't serve you and that will clutter up your closet again.
Stop settling for items that are just 'ok'. That's how the closet got to where it was to begin with! Commit to purchasing only items you really like, that will serve you and your lifestyle well. And remember, I'm always here if you need some help. Feel free to drop me a note or give me a ring.
Happy closet editing!