Friday, August 28, 2009

Out with the Old, In with the Fashion New Year!

I don't know about you, but I've always felt like the true start of the new year is September. The change in the air, that back-to-school feeling I can't ever seem to shake, and of course, the THICKEST fashion magazine issues of the year! If nothing else, September is the start of the new year in the fashion world and that, in and of itself, is thrilling for me! Just as in Spring, the start of the Fashion New Year is a great time to take stock of your closet's contents. Do they fit your lifestyle? Do they suit your needs? Do they fit, flatter and make you happy? How long have you had them? (hint: generally 5 years or more for every day clothes is too long!) Even though styles may come back, they will always come back with a difference (wait until my entry on the New New Wave trend...)! This week I had the pleasure of being featured in an article 'Simple Expert Advice for Reinvigorating Your Closet' on MSN/Sympatico's Shopping Cart Confidential Blog with writer Jackie Burns. In it I provided tips and thought starters on how to master an unruly closet of clothes and make sure that it works for you. Hope it helps provide a bit of 'new year' inspiration! Happy Cleaning and a Very Happy Fashion New Year!