Monday, January 10, 2011

My Favourite Jeans - A Love Story & Anniversary Message!

It happened in the Autumn of 2000. I was working at Mendocino in Toronto when we received our first shipment of the line of jeans that would change the way we all see denim. What was once an every day item would become a luxury status symbol. We received 7 for All Mankind denim, as far as I know, they were amongst the first 7s to be carried in Toronto!

Uniquely verigated, fine but sturdy 100% cotton denim, strategically faded, gently whiskered for a natural looking wear, and with their (at the time) signature faded 'crease' down the front of the leg, as soon as I put them on, I was hooked. My bootcut 7s went everywhere with me: my move to Australia (they'd never seen anything like them), various vacations, all manner of occasions. They fit my body shape perfectly, and suited almost every lifestyle demand I could place on a pair of jeans.

After 3.5 years of denim bliss, and a gradual move from 'dressy' to 'casual' to 'weekend' wardrobe, the first tear happened. The horror! From that point on, I patched and repaired my beloved 7s so many times that they're hanging on by the patches themselves. It has been years since I was able to wear them yet pair of jeans remains tucked away in my special memorabilia box, reserved for things like high school yearbooks, photos of childhood friends & past loves. (Even Image Consultants aren't immune to clothing-sentimentality!)

As many pairs of beautiful denim as I have had since then, I have never had the same affection as I had for those, my perfect jeans.

This past November, 7 for All Mankind celebrated it's 10th Anniversary! Happy Anniversary, Sevens! And please, if you decide to bring back style U0775019U-G, in it's classic execution, be in touch. I know an Image Consultant in Toronto who desperately needs another pair!